Maine Timeshare Resorts
- Acadia Village Resort Ellsworth, ME USA
- Bethel Inn & Country Club Bethel, ME USA
- Evergreen Valley Stoneham, ME USA
- Grand Summit at Sunday River Bethel, ME
- Grand Summit Hotel- Sugarloaf
Carrabassett Valley, ME USA
- Harbor Ridge Southwest Harbor, ME USA
- Hillcrest Condominiums Ogunquit, ME USA
- InnSeason Resorts - The Falls at
Ogunquit Ogunquit, ME USA
- Jordan Grand Hotel Bethel, ME USA
- Leisure Life Resort on Moosehead Lake
Greenville, ME USA
- Misty Harbor Resort Condominium Wells,
- Moosehead Cottage Resort Greenville, ME
- Mountainview Resort Jackman, ME USA
- Nautical Mile Wells, ME USA
- Northern Outdoors Adventure Club The
Forks, ME USA
- Rangeley Lake Resort Rangeley, ME USA
- River View Resort Bethel, ME USA
- Samoset Resort Rockport, ME USA
- Sea Mist Resort of Maine Wells, ME USA
- Seacastles Resort at Ogunquit Ogunquit,
- Vacationland Estates Island Falls, ME